Clear Cast Acrylic Tube And Plexiglass Tube
Superior to extruded tube, cast acrylic plexiglass tube is polished to a clear luster without the drag lines found in extruded tube. Casting also minimizes stress which results in a much stronger product. If you want the strongest, clearest plexiglass tube available, this cast acrylic tube is for you.
This clear cast acrylic tube is used for acrylic tube displays, lenses, acrylic protein skimmers, acrylic tube aquariums, and anywhere a clear, strong cast acrylic tube or glass replacement is needed.
We haves some of the finest acrylic tube (cast) available. Many tubes are in stock in our Ohio warehouse but if we don't have your listed tube in stock we will make it to order. This tube is cast, and used in aquariums, skimmers, displays, museums, sight glasses, industrial products, lighting, and many many more applications. freckleface.com is committed to providing the best tube on the market, precision cast and precision polished. Best of all it is Made in the USA! Give us a call if you have any questions about our cast acrylic tube and feel free to place your order online today at freckleface.com.
Plexiglass acrylic tube is used by many people for:
- Displays where a clear, see through tube is needed
- Museums for protecting artifacts with cast plexiglass tube
- Point of purchase and store displays
- Industrial process tube
- Clear cast acrylic tube for aquariums and skimmers
- Storage and display of candies and cakes
- Heavy wall is ideal for higher strength and security installations
- Plexiglass acrylic tube or pipe; Some people call this pipe, however it is not pressure rated like pipe is AND it is a true size, not sized the same as pipe
- Bank suction tube
Additional information for plexiglass tube:
- Custom made
- Resin is carefully measured and the spun inside a mold for hours, sometimes days
- After removal from the mold it is polished to a high clarity
- We sell many different lengths of cast plexiglass tubing
- Hundreds of size combinations on freckleface.com
- Some orders may take longer to fill because we have custom made cast acrylic tube to order